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How to Make Personal Affirmations


We've all heard of them.

We've all I'm sure promised we would start using them more often for they are powerful. They have the ability to release so much negative energy from you and allow yourself to align with your highest potential.

However, how many of us actually know how to build an affirmation that's entirely for you? I know it's tricky, but I'm here to walk you through some simple steps so you can start attracting what you desire in your life.

Step #1: Identify the Area

Take time to sit with yourself and figure out what parts of your innermost you you wish to realign or bring into your life.

It it monetary?

Is it work-related?

Is it something love related?

Is it learning to let go?

Find these areas and write everything down. Areas you wish you improve, better, keep negativity out of or desire a little more support for them.

Step #2: Focus and pursue

When you've found the areas you want to work with, make sure to have some quiet time.

In each area describe either to yourself or on the paper where you wish for it to be.

If you are looking to create more love for your body write it down. If you'd like to be more financially secure, right it down. If you desire to change a habit of yours, RIGHT IT DOWN.

Now that you know where you want to go it's time to start developing them!

Step #3:

Start with "I AM"

These affirmations are for you anyways. By using AM in the sentence it gives the universe the support you are seeking. You are telling the universe what you ARE not what you wish to be. Therefore you have a higher chance of becoming aligned with what you ARE wanting to attract. While we are here, remember that each time you use an affirmation you want to keep everything in present tense. Let's keep up with now, not the past and not the future. The exact now.

(This also helps with anxiety and to keep your mind centered in the present but I'll go into that in a different post.)

Write it out. I AM

Step #4: Brief but positive.

Now is the time to start looking at what you desire and find a positive way to state it. (I'm not talking about toxic positivity either, I want something real)

If you are struggling with your body, it's not the time to say "I love everything about my body" but it is a good place to write "I am enough for me."

Use words that bring a sense of peace to you and your practice.

Such as



filled with joy

able to







Then connect it together.

*Include a dynamic word. A feeling, an action, or something to receive.

Step 5: The Fun Part

Place this affirmation EVERYWHERE and I mean everywhere. The background of your computer, or phone.

Write it on your mirror.

Place a sticky note in your car.

Whatever works for you.

Sit with it and say it aloud every morning, lunchtime, and dinner.

Take this seriously. You're asking the universe to help you, so show the F*** up.

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