Woah, don't go anywhere, I know you've most likely looked up TONS of ways to "deal" with a Crohn's flare, but I promise you not like this. This dealing I'm talking about covers mentally, physically, and socially.
Because yes, we have Crohn's and yes, it's the shits (haha pun intended) but our lives are not over. We have the rest of our lives with this struggle bus of a disease, and I refuse to let it take us down, I REFUSE to let it break my soul. So there, I'm not letting you give up either.
Step 1: When you feel it coming on.
After a few flares, you can almost kind of track them, you have this feeling in your gut (boom I'm on a roll) if you're a female you may get period flares. Men, I'm sorry, you don't get those be happy.
Changes in diet, stress, sunlight, lifestyle, and LITERALLY who knows what else will cause your body to naturally begin to flare.. and we all understand that but what do we do when we feel it coming on?
PREPARE. Yes, make flare friendly foods. Cook rice in bulk. Stock up on your fav juices, and make sure you have all the protein powder cause we all know it's about to be liquid diet time. You've got anywhere from a couple of hours, to maybe a couple of days, use this time wisely.
Step 2: It's here.
Woof. That flare came on hard and fast. Let's admit it, we've all sat in the bathroom and cried to the heavens. WHY this. WHY us. WHY Crohns. Yup I'm currently there right now.
Hydration is Key. (I just got out of the hospital for being much too dehydrated. so, from the goodness you bought before, or you uber eats yourself, let's get some electrolytes in us.
I set a timer on my fitbit to buzz every 20 mins (it reminds me to move) but also at that time I take a little drink of water. Yes, I know it's going to hurt my stomach but we have to.
Second. Once an hour I walk up and down the stairs in my house. Sometimes I cry in pain, sometimes it takes me 10 minutes, other times its a breeze.
Consistency is key in this phase.
Heat packs will save your life.
Make sure to have comfort near you. For me it's a pillow that I always have.
Pillows around your belly for support also feel great, and when you get a cramp you can squeeze onto them.
Step 3: Foods.
Things that work during a flare.
Apple Sauce
White rice
Buttered noodles
Protein Shakes (make sure they are low in sugar, and honestly homemade are the best. The protein I use is linked here)
Veggie Drinks (linked here)
Find something you like drinking and drink it. I'm a fan of Aloe Water
Easy Carbs
Things to dodge during and after a flare
Heavy meals
Fast Foods
Fiber Veggies (which are most of them)
Whole wheat
Most citrus
Step 4: Mental Health
Real talk, flares are the WORST thing ever. You can try to stop them, you can do EVERYTHING right, and your body just inflames. It SUCKS. I try to be a positive person but I've had more meltdowns and breakdowns during flares because I wasn't dealing with the emotional side of it all.
It's hard when your body is failing you. It's annoying when you spend more time in the day on the toilet than anywhere else. I HATE having to tell people I care about that I can't go with them. Canceling plans, no one gets it and let's be real most of us sit on the couch or in bed and have a little pity party. I know I do. Here are my thoughts to help the mood when you are in INTENSE Pain. (in no particular order)
- Feel those Feelings
Give yourself a moment to have that meltdown. It's okay to cry, it's okay to be frustrated, it's okay and valid to have all those feelings. It doesn't get better with time, and time won't fix this. Give yourself space to feel.
- REACH OUT. People will be there for you, but it's our job as crohnies to do something. Post on your Instagram, send a text, facetime, whatever you have energy for, have people be there for you. If you don't feel you have anyone, my Instagram is @SHAYRIGG I'll chat all day long.
- Write it all out.
I have my flare journal. Every time I flare, I write in it. It's almost like a smash room but for my emotions. Nothing is off-limits there. I swear, I cry, and I explain how everything sucks and I'll never get better. I just VENT out all those feelings, and really truly it helps. Then I have my gratitude journal. This is where I look through all those emotions and I pick one of them to flush out. In this moment I figure out the root of that emotion and find something in that area of my life I'm truly grateful for. Sometimes it's as little as my legs, other times it's bigger like the fact that I can rock climb. It's baby steps, but write it all out.
-Take a rest day.
I know this is tricky for some of us. It's super tricky for me, but the world will not end if you take a day to rest, and recover. In fact, your body will thank you so much more. If you don't have the whole day to rest, crawl into bed early, take more rest time before you fall asleep.
- Motion is the Lotion
Yes, I know the last thing any of us want to do is move. It's much easier to lay in the fetal position and hope it ends. That isn't the answer for your mental health, and certainly not for your body. Go on a small walk, take a break from being angry, garden, water a plant, do some yoga, just add movement into your day. I PROMISE you your mind and body will thank you ever so much.
Step 5 : Get Back Out There
A flare usually doesn't mean the end of your life. It sucks, and man do they hurt, and honestly, I can't tell you the number of times I've wanted to give up when my body clearly does.
But each time I play that song that gets my jazzed and I get back up. Starting slowly, and reminding myself that I will be healed. I know I can be cured, and that this is just a moment in time. Getting my mind game back out there is key to getting back up and returning to a healthy standpoint. I start to slowly bring in more foods, add a little here and there of the goodness, I was missing. I try to make a plan with a friend (even if it's sitting on the couch and watching TV)
Baby steps to getting better, and baby steps to getting back out there again. Listen to your body, your mind, and your heart, do what you KNOW is best for you.
