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6 Affirmations to Tell Yourself (When You're a Boss)

Girl, I get it.

I feel it.

I've been there.

Starting your own business is this weird sense of loneliness. ESPECIALLY when it's done online. You no longer have coworkers, or a boss to bug you. But at the same time, you don't have anyone telling you how great of a job you are doing when it comes to your work.

That's where you have to step up and be that person for yourself. But really. You have to no none else will be that person for you. Through the years of having to be my own boss, my own HR, and my own coworker, I've come up with some affirmations I say to myself.

It helps SO much, and that is just a understatement. It reminds me my why, and also, who I am and that I have value to offer. Here they are.

I am worthy of success and healing.

I KNOW how lame this sounds. Tons of my clients roll their eyes at me. But honestly, if you aren't healthy, your business won't be healthy. So it's time to get the weirdness out of the way. Allow yourself the space to heal, and the space to be successful.

I chose this line of work because I love the freedom it gives me to explore the world and my place in it.

THIS. This is my why. I wanted freedom in my life. I craved it, and sometimes I forget how lucky I am, and how hard I've worked to get to this place. Remind yourself your WHY. it's powerful, because it was the courage that you needed to take the step into creating your business.

I am helping others achieve their goals, and by them finding success I too am successful.

There are times when I've hit lulls in my work. Where I don't think I'm reaching as many people as I should, or I should be doing more. I need to give myself the space to remember that not every goal in life should be money.

I am focused and driven, knowing this will allow my ________ (I say whatever it is I'm working on) be successful and filled with the same energy.

These are two of my favourite qualities about myself. I will always be trying to learn new things and because of that, I'm always open to what the future holds. That being said, it can also make me feel as if I'm not doing as much as I should, or that I'm not allowed to take breaks. YOU are allowed to take breaks. Remind yourself about the wonderful things that make you, you. Then fill your projects with it.

This is a setback, and that's okay, I have the knowledge and ability to fix it.

Failing is part of growing. Say that again. FAILING IS PART OF GROWING. You will fail. Accept it. You will get rejected. People will say no. You may even get some haters that say mean things. ALL OF THAT is part of having a business, it's part of breaking the mold of life. You can do it. Whatever that has been screwed up is NOT beyond your control to fix. This affirmation is one that I say often.

I am appreciated and respected in ___________ (I say my field, or what my struggles are)

Remember that even though you may feel alone during work (maybe you don't, and honestly I hope you don't) But if you do, you are appreciated and respected. It may not be through a boss, or a coworker, or even your clients. But remind yourself that you are appreciated. Take yourself out to a dinner, or even just a nice cup of joe. Whatever you do to make yourself feel loved, do it. It's important to the mental health of your life and business.

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